What is Case Management?
This term can be confusing for many. Some people are not sure if it is a term used for a person or a thing. In some cases, it is both.
The most important thing to remember about case management is that it is critical to the success of clients seeking long-term recovery from substance use and mental health disorders.
Case management begins with an assessment of the client’s needs and when appropriate, the needs of the client’s family. Touchstone Ranch Recovery Center collaborates with partners outside the organization and together as a treatment team to ensure all needs are met. Case management is effective when specific needs are assessed, and efforts are aimed to arrange, coordinate, monitor, evaluate and advocate to meet identified needs.
Our team members work diligently with clients to create Treatment and Aftercare Plans which are the cornerstones of successful case management. It is intrinsically important that we develop rapport with our clients to find out what they believe is important and what it is that they want to work on while in treatment and post-discharge. All areas of life are open to improvement such as: financial assessment and planning, physical needs, cultural, spiritual, vocational, community integration, support networks, family systems, housing, employment, education, and assessing the need for continued treatment services or 12-Step programs after the completion of a residential treatment program.
Using our proven system of case management and outstanding evidenced-based treatment program, Touchstone Ranch Recovery Center wants to prepare you or your loved one for the world outside of substance use.